NAR Wrap Up – Industry of Connection
Every time I go to any national REALTORS® event, it always amazes me how busy everyone is. Very rarely do you see someone sitting around bored. You are more likely to see multiple people collapsing from exhaustion.
I was speaking with a group from the Young Professionals Network and as we sat and talked, they shared how tired each of them were. One after another they gave glimpses of their schedules, up at 5:45am, meeting at 6:30am, and then meeting after meeting followed up by a long night of reconnecting with old friends.
In the industry of real estate, there is a stigma of laziness. From what I can see, if their behavior at these events is at all an indicator of their hustle back home, they are impressive to say the least. Constantly texting to clients, checking important emails on phones, tweeting to keep up the public branding… on and on they go!
Keep up the good work folks and serve the public well!
~ Nck Smoot, Director of Business Development